COVID-19 General Protection Guidelines

The protection of our teams is just as important to us as the protection of the communities in which we work. We have developed robust working policies with support from the Swiss government, ensuring that our operations adhere to the highest standards of health and safety, and that production days are as risk free as possible. Below is an outline of our COVID-19 GPG.

Management & Communication

Before every production, the COVID-19 policy should be communicated to the client and aligned, with advice sought from the local authority where necessary.

For each production, one person in management from both the client and Pupil Productions is designated as responsible for this protection plan and its implementation.

Production Teams

Crew members who are vulnerable or have been in contact with an infected person, or person suspected of being infected, within 14 days before a scheduled production cannot participate and must inform the designated member of management as soon as possible.

If travel is necessary, all crew must ensure that they are traveling from low risk areas, as allowed by the local authority in the region of the production.

If a team member comes into contact with an infected person, or person suspected of being infected, during a production period, then the team member must immediately inform management, who will then inform the school.

Masks will be worn by production crew at all times and each crew member must ensure that they have access to a bottle of hand sanitiser at all times.

Production Participants

People who are vulnerable or have been in contact with an infected person within 14 days before the shoot cannot participate in productions. If a participant comes into contact with an infected person, or person suspected of being infected during the programme, then the school must immediately inform the designated Pupil Productions management.

Social distancing boundaries should be explained to the participants before the production commences, and participants should be reminded as regularly as necessary during the shoot.

Outdoor activities or those with fixed groups with a reduced number of participants are preferred, this will ensure best compliance with hygiene guidelines and better supervision.

The identity of each participant must be known and kept by the school. Contact details are duly listed and kept for two weeks after the end of the final day onsite.

External participants such as parents and alumni can be filmed but should be free of symptoms

Contact tracing

Where social distancing is impossible, the contact details of those present should be recorded by the school, as these may be demanded by the relevant local authority.

Hygiene, care and health

The hygiene recommendations of the governing health body of the host country and local must be respected (ie; wash your hands regularly and carefully, do not shake hands, cough and sneeze in the crease of your shoulder, refrain from physical contact, etc.)

The designated school contact must ensure that the proper material and hygiene measures are in place onsite.

Each crew member must have access to a bottle of hand sanitiser at all times

The rules of social distancing (2 metres between people) apply between all team members, school employees and other participants. Where this is not possible, masks must be worn by all participants.

Crew and production participants wear face masks when not filming.

Parent communication

Parents are encouraged to avoid production locations unless participating in productions.

The safety distance (2 metres) should be respected between staff and parents.

It is recommended that the school informs parents in advance of the production days and clarifies the extra precautions in place.

Locations and access

The premises should be regularly ventilated, cleaned and disinfected with relevant products for surfaces. Floors are washed as often as necessary.

Access to planned locations should be restricted as much as is feasible before and during production days.

A member of school staff must accompany the production crew at all times to ensure safe access and compliance with safety precautions.

If necessary, pre-production location scouting should be done via Zoom chat or other suitable video call

The designated crew office and storage location should remain locked and unused throughout the production period, where possible.

Transportation during productions

Crew will not use public transportation for the duration of production weeks.

Meals & crafty

Participants and crew disinfect their hands before and after meals in addition to normal washing.

People in charge of meal preparation and service are requested to wear a mask and gloves.

Participants and crew do not eat at the same table. Staff respect the physical safety distance between them (2 metres). 

Crew members receive any meals in a separate, designated location from the wider school community.

Individual cups or personal bottles should be used, and food sharing should be avoided.


Increased attention is paid to the cleaning and storage of equipment.

Equipment frequently used should be disinfected as often as possible.

School staff should favour activities that require little equipment. The handling of materials by multiple people is to be avoided.

Suspicion of COVID-19

Participants with illness symptoms are not allowed to participate. If a participant, or member of staff shows any illness symptom during camp, that person must wear a mask and be isolated. She must see a doctor and be tested as soon as possible. In the event of a positive result, the designated school doctor decides which people have been in contact with the infected person should be quarantined.

Always call a doctor first before visiting.

In case a participant or crew member shows symptoms:

  • he or she is immediately separated from the crew and other participants

  • a mask is put on the affected person

  • a medical check-up is organised following the doctor’s advice

Outside contamination

It is very important to be particularly attentive with people outside of school to avoid contamination from outside. In general, it is recommended to isolate the school as much as possible from outside contacts.

People who must have contact with people outside of the school during, and in the 14 days preceding a production, should wear a mask, and disinfect their hands regularly.